Rosh Hashana

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Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana in
  • A Day of Judgment and Kindness
    “This revered day is the reason for the existence of the world, and it therefore deserves to be a holiday. However, because it is the day whereupon all creatures are judged, one should approach it with more trepidation than any of the other holidays.”
  • The Musaf of Rosh HaShanah
    Insights into the Rosh Hashana Musaf - Halacha and Hashkafa
  • The Festivals of Tishrei and the Sanctity of Israel
    Abraham, a "father of many nations," could not imagine that the greatness he was to acquire through the binding of his son would remain a personal possession and not make its impact felt upon the other young men, the servants that were with him.
  • Some Preparations for Rosh Hashanah
    The day before Rosh Hashanah is the last day of the year, and it is the last opportunity to repent before the Day of Judgment. It is a day of reflection on the year gone by, and a day of preparation for the coming year.
  • The Laws of Blowing the Shofar
    The Jerusalem Talmud relates that the enemies once heard Jews blowing the shofar during morning prayers. They thought it was a war cry and attacked the worshipers. Therefore, the sages instituted that the shofar be blown during the Mussaf prayers.
  • “One Thing I Asked” – No Confusion
    The verse “One thing I asked of God” represents the essence of our spiritual task in the month of Elul. “That I dwell in the House of God all the days of my life” - just this. No confusion. When this is the case, Divine assistance is granted.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר